The real-life adventures of Sharkey and other triops, as recorded from my windowsill at Crayola


Batch 3: Days 9 & 10

I present to you the situation thus far in Seussian verse:
    I hope I'm not the only one
    who thinks that hatching shrimps is fun.
    To aid my newest monster zoo,
    I split the one batch into two;
    Though I had hoped for many more,
    the triops hatched but numbered four;
    Alas - a weekend killing spree!
    Remaining monsters number three.

Day 9 - a lonely triops dreams of the wide-open spaces beyond his glass prison:

Day 10 - the movie features Looper in his first-ever techno video:

Of note: For days, Looper's his tail has been semi-stuck in an upward-curved position. I enjoy laughing at handicaps as much as anyone, but let's try to be sensitive.


Anonymous said...

Looper's cute. ^^ What song is that in the techno vid?

Meech said...

It's called "Flyin' To Your Heart", and it's from the Gitaroo Man soundtrack, for PS2 (level 2, actually).


Anonymous said...

Soooooooo cute! Love the song!

Anonymous said...

I havn't been to your website for a very long time because my triop died 97 days after it hatched.

well I bought another pack just a few days ago and I'm looking for any website that has really good information on it.

Meech said...

Hm, these comments are rekindling my Triops love... maybe it's time to start another batch!