The real-life adventures of Sharkey and other triops, as recorded from my windowsill at Crayola


Batch 2: Day 14

Mass murder! Friday: 6 monsters. Monday: 2
Sharkey and an unnamed accomplice have killed and eaten all other members of the tank. There are no signs of bodies in the tank, or even pieces of bodies: now that's efficiency for you, folks. I guess that goes to show you what a couple of desperate, famished triops are capable of, and also reminds us (as citizens of a community) to finish what we start and cover up all the evidence.

Of further note, here's a knee-slapper for embarrassed parents: Sharkey is a girl! I found out late Friday before I left the office; I spotted egg sacs on Sharkey's underside; I guess she was holding out for the right time to let me know. Another lesson to us humans: don't deny your identity; the truth will come out eventually, when you're swimming around naked on your back.

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