No need to name the smaller triops - all that remained of her this morning was the tip of a tail whisker, which I am assuming Sharkey was saving as a war trophy. If Sharkey has any regrets, it would probably be that I changed her water and gravel before she could eat her own moltings.
Now let's just see how big I can grow her before she joins her murdered tankmates in that great brackish billabong in the sky; I'm sure they'll have a lot to talk about.
Sharkey: "If only my tank-mates hadn't been so delicious!"
Pondering: what won't Sharkey eat?
Madness!! What you should do is get another tank, utilize Sharkey's brand of natural selection to breed yet another Uber-Triops, one that can match your champion's sheer power and appetite. Then put them in a tank together and see who emerges victorious! It's like a very tiny Thunderdome!
If only you could put a camera on them overnight so we could watch the heinous act take place! Darwinism becomes entertainment for the masses! That'll show those darn Christians!
Actually one of my co-workers started her own batch at the same time... she raised a true beast ("Spot") who is even bigger than my mighty fatso. We were considering putting them in a tank together to see who would survive the weekend but it seemed a darn shame. In the coming months, we're thinking about separating all our hatched triops from Sharkey's and Spot's eggs into tiers to conduct a full-scale Deathmatch! For sure I'll be selling t-shirts.
And yes, darn the Christians. (PS-Sharkey is heavily Buddhist)
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