The real-life adventures of Sharkey and other triops, as recorded from my windowsill at Crayola


Batch 2: Day 17

Sharkey and her remaining tank-mate are still chugging about, although I must say that the smaller gal is looking a bit skittish. I can imagine what must be going through her tiny mind:
    "Dear diary; Sharkey and I were a team once; shrimps of the same inner mold. But now things are different; I see the look in her eyes when I dare to snag a morsel of food. How long until I am another casualty of the tank, one more notch on Sharkey's greed-numbed carapace? I see the light of hope, but it shines dim and cold in my nether hours..."

It's a nerve-wracking state of affairs. However, if the smaller female survives over the weekend, I will grant her a heroic name....

Here is Sharkey, perhaps plotting some doom:

Pondering: can male triops "convert" to females depending on number, or climate, or just for the heck of it? Seems possible; I might have to do some research.


Anonymous said...

If it would help here are some names I found of female heroes around the world.
Empress Wu Zeitan
Eleanor of Aquitane
Shagrat al-Durr
Anna Commnena

I like your creatures and I hope to hear more about the saga of Sharky, peace out!

Anonymous said...

Another great female heroic name: Brunhilde, the name of the Valkyrie from Wagner's "The Ring". BTW Meech, I have a fantastic book of Arthur Rackham's illustrations from The Ring that you must remind me to show you. All hail the Triops!!!