The real-life adventures of Sharkey and other triops, as recorded from my windowsill at Crayola


Batch 3: Day 15

R.I.P. Batch 3
This seemed to be a weak batch. They never would have made it through corporate phone training.

Check back in June for the news on Sharkey's sand-hatching. Also, I'm going to try to order a different "brand" of triops on the internet. In the meantime, I may come back to post drawings or comics.

If anyone's got pictures or stories to share, leave a comment on this post!


Anonymous said...

I just got my triops and I,d say there pretty cool sounding. They have not hatched yet but I've been reading about them on thousands of websites. Anybody who buys some will enjoy them. Sharkey, about him... He sounds pretty cool!

Meech said...

I'm sure you will enjoy your triops! Just don't get too attached as they tend to... well, up and die! :oP

Ahh, yes: Sharkey, the legend. He will be sorely missed, but immortalized forever in blog form.

Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

My Triop just hacth yesterday(Agust.8,2005)and the first one that hacth aint doing so well,he doesn't seem to be swimming good.The second that hacthed just a few seconds ago is swimming prety fast.

Anonymous said...

One of my new born triop was swimming like crazy when it went to the top,it wasn't there anymore...oyh well.Oh and I just the the videoclip of looper doing this weird loops,did he always did that?

Anonymous said...

Me agian,my mistake,the date was actually July 31 not Agust. 9.
If anuone can respone to my Quetion,one of my Triop aint swimming well,but it's is still alive.what heppened to it.

Meech said...

Like the price of mangoes, the life of a triops is unpredictable. If your creature seems to not be swimming well, you can always assume that the fellow was dealt an unfortunate card and is on his way out. However, in my experience, many things can affect the liveliness of triops, such as temperature change, just having been fed, and time of day to name a few. So you don't necessarily have to expect the worst if the little guy is on the sluggish side.

One thing to look out for: as my triops have died, they all have shown the same physical sign: stiff, sluggish swimming, and an inability to right themselves after flipping onto their backs. Check out the movie clip video from the "Batch 2: Day 24 ~ R.I.P. Sharkey" post; there you can sort of see the way he was acting right before he died.

Since we don't qualify as aquatic surgeons (and our little friends can't very well tell us what's wrong with them), all you can do is continue to care for him and see what happens.

As for Looper: I believe he had a slight deformity that caused his tail to curve semi-permanently. It could have been anything from a bit of exoskeleton not breaking properly away from part of his tail (hence the stripe?), to chronic constipation. ;o) Whatever the cause, he was sure amusing to watch.

Best of luck with your creatures, and don't worry too much if most of them die off before they can get big enough for you to really have fun with. That's just the way it goes with these guys.


Anonymous said...

I have good news and bad news the good news is that I barely founded out that something was stuck on it's tail I manage to take it off and the little guy started to swim well later on.
As for the bad news, I was fixxing the lamp for my Triops when suddenly I hit the tank hard and almost tilt over, I manage to cacht it before it tilt, I check on my triops and there seems to be no damage,but one that was swimming a few seconds before I hit the tank was missing,probobly stuck under a rock.
The same thing happen to the biggest one,but I manged to find it stuck on some slime on a rock.

oh, and one more Question:Do you have to do some stuff to the dirt before you put it inside the tank?

Meech said...

Let me suggest this AWESOME SITE... it's got oodles of triops-raising information.

Here is their excellent CARE SHEET (including answers to questions about substrates and soil.

Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

sep 12 2005
3 of my triops died on the first on sep. and only the biggest one had survive but when i came back from school she didn't had a redish color anymore an she had released all her eggs again .I think that she is going to die today or tommarow becuase she is unable to move much anymore.She hacth in July 31,so she's kinda old for a triop.

Meech said...

Wow, your triops is definitely getting up there! I've never kept any alive past 25 days.

I'd love to see pictures of your old creature. How big did it get?


Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure on how big it got but I think it's less than 2 inches.
here's a website of the pictures.I had more but I can't find them and I also got videoclips of the ones that were born later.

sorry for the picyures,there not clear.

Anonymous said...

well,today was the last live of my know what,i'll be getting some more in a few hours

Anonymous said...

its dat 2 and i cant see eney triops should i wat till to moz