It's nice to know there's some feminine delicacy in the tank to complement Sharkey's bull-in-the-China-shop brawn. Sharkey, by the way, has grown another 1/16-1/8 of an inch just from yesterday. I found one of his skins floating about and I tried to save it, but it broke apart quite easily. Triops molt a LOT, and each time they leave a glassy replica of themselves behind. The shed shells can be quite pretty. Here's a couple of pics from today, plus a video featuring Sharkey motoring about.
A nifty trick is to drop a pellet of food on their bellies when they're swimming upside-down near the surface. Also, if you take a very fine sliver of carrot or lettuce, you can "hand-feed" them by holding it out to their bellies (gently) and letting them nibble.
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